Grant Seekers

Information for grant seekers

The guidelines presented here give grant seekers the information to apply for a grant from Menasha Corporation Foundation. The Foundation operates without discrimination as to age, race, religion, sex, or national origin in the consideration of grant requests. The Foundation Board of Directors evaluates appeals and ensures fair consideration of all requests.

Men Corp Foundation Logo All White Final

Founded in 1953, Menasha Corporation Foundation is an independent philanthropic organization that is funded each year by a percentage of Menasha Corporation’s pretax earnings.


To lead Menasha Corporation’s philanthropic activities, with special consideration given to communities in which it operates.

Who is eligible to receive a grant?

Nonprofit organizations with a tax-exempt status under Section 170(c) or 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code are eligible for grants from Menasha Corporation Foundation.

What does the Foundation support?

  • Educational endeavors

  • Health & welfare programs

  • Cultural organizations

  • Environmental concerns

  • Civic projects

What criteria is used to determine grants?

The Foundation makes grant decisions based on information provided by organizations relative to the grant guidelines below. In addition, the Foundation:

  • Favors projects that are not funded by public tax dollars

  • Gives preference to communities in which Menasha Corporation maintains businesses, and in the state of Wisconsin, in consideration of the Corporation’s emphasis on decentralization and the Foundation’s deep roots in the Fox Cities and Wisconsin

  • Considers requests from religious organizations and institutions only when the resulting impact of the project is nondenominational

  • Favors supporting the operating needs and programs of qualified organizations. Capital campaign projects are generally not supported

  • Favors organizations in which a Menasha Corporation employee volunteer is involved

Grant guidelines and submission information.

  1. Email (or mail in) a recently audited financial statement.

  2. Email (or mail in) proof of your federal nonprofit tax-exempt status under Section 170(c) or 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

  3. Submit your answers (via email or mail) to the following questions on a form with your company letterhead, not to exceed four typewritten pages.

    1. A brief history of your organization, mission and goals.

    2. List of all present directors, their business affiliation, and senior staff people.

    3. The exact purpose of the project or grant, including how successful completion will solve a community problem, or at least strongly influence the solution.

    4. What is the expected outcome from this project?

    5. What method will you use to determine the project’s effectiveness?

    6. What differentiates your organization from other organizations like yours? What sets you apart?

    7. What is an approximate number and a description of the group of people to be helped by your project?

    8. Describe how the group of people served by your project became aware of your services. How do you spread awareness of your organization?

    9. Amount requested?

    10. Total project budget?

    11. Percentage of organizational budget devoted to administration.

    12. Percentage of organizational budget devoted to fundraising.

    13. List other sources of support promised or committed for this project.

    14. List other sources and amounts for which you are seeking support for this project.

    15. Is your organization a member of the United Way? If yes, what percentage of your annual budget do you receive from the United Way?

    16. Names of Menasha Corporation employees, stockholders or directors who are volunteers for your organization.

    17. How did you hear about Menasha Corporation Foundation?

Board meetings and deadlines

Board meetings are held four times a year in March, June, September, and December. Grant requests must be received on or before the first of the month prior to these Board meetings (February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1). Grant requests can either be mailed or sent electronically via email using the contact information listed below.



[email protected]

Menasha Corporation Foundation
Attn: Angie Burns
1645 Bergstrom Road
PO Box 367
Neenah, WI 54957-0367


Any grants awarded for over $1,000 may be subject to evaluation upon completion of the project or nine months from the award date, whichever comes first.